National Party has been misled by gun lobby propaganda about the buy-back



Gun Control NZ is disappointed that the National Party are unlikely to support the next round of gun reform legislation.

“Simon Bridges seems to have swallowed the gun lobby line that the buyback is a fiasco. But the gun lobby just can’t be trusted on this issue (or any other).” says Gun Control NZ co-founder Hera Cook. “A recent survey on trust showed that even firearms owners trust the gun lobby as little as they trust politicians.”

“COLFO appear willing to say almost anything to get attention. They have been exaggerating their membership numbers for years and have failed to provide any evidence as to how they obtain knowledge of the majority of their members’ views. The evidence from Police and media suggests that participating gun owners are happy with the buyback.” says Hera Cook.

The proposed Bill includes a firearms register. “Registering guns is important to make everyone safer. Since March, in South Auckland, four people have died in gun violence and there have been more than half a dozen other shootings. Police have argued for over a decade that the main source of the firearms used in crime are thefts from licensed firearms owners and those who dispute this are unable to provide evidence of alternative sources.” says Hera Cook. 

Registration will contribute to addressing gun violence. A register makes gun owners more likely to store their weapons correctly, report thefts and not lend or sell their guns to unlicensed people. This makes it more difficult for criminals to access firearms.” says Philippa Yasbek, Gun Control NZ co-founder.

Philippa Yasbek says, “Simon Bridges should be listening to the opinion of the 80% of New Zealanders who supported the semi-automatic ban and gun buy-back. Bridges should also listen to his own MPs. In 2017, the report of the Law and Order Select Committee inquiry into illegal firearms recommended that police record the serial numbers of all firearms possessed by license holders on renewal of their licenses. It also recommended tightening the restrictions on semi-automatics. That Select Committee had a majority of National Party MPs.”

Gun Control NZ strongly supports the next round of legislation which is needed to make us all safer. It deserves the same impressive level of support from Parliament as the April ban and buyback legislation.

Philippa Yasbek