Firearms Prohibition Orders



The NZ Police recently released a consultation document on Firearms Prohibition Orders. Firearms Prohibition Orders would prohibit high-risk people from using, accessing, or being around firearms. Breaching the conditions of a Firearms Prohibition Order would be a criminal offence.

Gun Control NZ made a submission on FPOs. We believe that there is currently a small gap in the law in that anybody can use a firearm under the supervision of a Licensed Firearms Owner (LFO). Some people should be restricted (via an FPO) from using firearms under supervision. But stopping someone from visiting homes or workplaces where firearms may be stored could increase social isolation, work against rehabilitation or increase the likelihood of further domestic violence.

FPOs are unlikely to have any impact on those people who may use and access illegal firearms.  Those in possession of illegal firearms are already subject to substantial penalties. Where Police do not know of illegal firearms, they will not know an FPO is being breached. Where Police do know of illegal firearms, they already have sufficient legal avenues to enable them to search for and confiscate illegal firearms.

Gun Control NZ’s submission is available in full.

Philippa Yasbek